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Jessica Heidt’s Piano Studio Policy







Playing the piano is a wonderful experience that brings a great amount of joy and a deep sense of accomplishment. I am confident that through my education and experience, I am able to provide your child with a high quality of music education. I look forward to getting to know you and your child as we progress with our lessons and learn together!


My Responsibility


My responsibility is to encourage my students’ love for music and provide them with the knowledge, tools, and motivation necessary for musical growth and discovery. My purpose it to spread the joy of music to each of my students by providing an encouraging environment, maintaining high expectations, and pushing my students towards challenging yet attainable goals.




I strongly encourage open communication between clients and myself. Parents and students can always feel comfortable asking questions and addressing concerns. I am available via phone (text and calling) and email.




Playing an instrument is a challenging endeavor that requires diligent practice in order to achieve desirable results. Consistent and quality practice is essential in order for the student to have a positive experience. I give practice assignments that balance focus, hard work, fun, and variety. Parental support is crucial for children to be successful. Before starting lessons, it is important for parents and students to understand the level of commitment that is required in order for the student to succeed. The best way that a parent can contribute to their child’s practicing is by enforcing consistent, daily practice and encouraging them to use the various practice strategies that their teacher has assigned.


Important note: Sometime during the course of taking piano lessons, your child may say something like, “I don’t want to practice,” or “I’m too tired to go to piano lessons,” or “I don’t want to go- I want to play with my friends,” “I want to quit,” etc... Just be aware that your child’s interest will probably not be consistent; but to be successful, you will need to be consistent in your encouragement and commitment to music instruction. In most cases, simply acknowledge your child’s comments, but then go on with your normal routine just as you would if you heard the comment, “I don’t want to brush my teeth,” “I don’t want to stop playing with my toys,” or “I don’t want to go to bed.”




Lessons typically occur once a week and follow the yearly calendar which can be found on the studio website. The studio’s yearly calendar coincides with the yearly calendar for Mesa Public Schools. Lesson attendance needs to be a priority. Your student’s weekly time slot is reserved for them specifically. In the rare event that I need to miss a lesson, you will either be given a make-up lesson OR a credit will be given. There will be no make-up lessons given for lessons that are missed by the student.


I understand that there will be times when a student needs to miss a lesson. When this happens, there are several options for students enrolled in private or buddy lessons to take advantage of:


1) The Swap List – If you know ahead of time that your child needs to miss one of their lessons, you can take advantage of the swap list. This is a list of students’ weekly lesson times and their contact information. You may contact the parent of another student and swap lessons with them for that week. Please note that I need to be informed when this happens. The easiest way is to either cc me to the final email or forward a text message to me. If I have two students show up

at the same time, I will teach the student who normally has that lesson spot.


2) Master classes – Master classes are a wonderful way to make up a missed lesson. Group lessons are an extra bonus for students who have perfect attendance.


3) Online Lesson – If a student is ill but feels well enough to have a lesson, I encourage them to have an online lesson. I will be available to have a lesson at the same time as their weekly scheduled lesson via Zoom.


4) Video Lesson – If a student isn’t well enough to have an online lesson (or the student is unavailable for an online lesson) I am happy to create a video lesson for them. This will be a video of me giving instruction that the student can view on their own time.


*When students enrolled in group classes need to miss a lesson, they will be sent their class’s lesson notes. They are welcome to attend master class and use that as a makeup lesson.

Master Classes


Every semester will have three master classes for students to take advantage of. These lessons are for all students enrolled in all tracks. Master classes will consist of a variety of activities including performing for peers, theory/technique games, listening activities, music history, etc. and they provide many benefits for students. These include motivation to practice pieces (more performance opportunities = more practice), socialization with other students in the studio, and a fun environment for learning and reinforcing musical concepts.


Dates for each master class can be found on the studio calendar.


Master classes are strongly encouraged but are not mandatory.




Tuition will be billed in three segments listed below:


• Spring Semester: January – May (18 lessons)

• Summer: June-July (5 lessons)

• Fall Semester: August – December (18 lessons)


Tuition can be paid up front at the beginning of the semester or split into five equal monthly payments. If paying monthly, tuition is due on the first of the month. An invoice will be sent ten days prior to the first. Late payments will be charged an additional $20 late fee. Payment can be made via cash, check, card (using Square), Venmo, PayPal or Chase Quickpay. Please note that if you are using Square or PayPal, there is a 3% convenience fee.


-Spring/Fall Semesters:


  • Private 45-minute lessons - $180 a month (or $900 a semester)


  • Private 60-minute lessons - $240 a month (or $1,200 a semester)


  • 60-minute group lessons - $155 a month (or $775 a semester)


  • 30/30 Buddy lessons - $225 a month (or $1,112 a semester)





To reserve their weekly lesson time for the fall semester, all students are required to sign up for 5 private lessons over the summer. These lessons can be scheduled sporadically to work around vacations, summer camps, etc. A google document with available days and times with be sent out in May. Please note that all summer lessons must be scheduled by June 1st. Tuition for summer is also due by June 1st (Tuition can be split into two payments for June and July if preferred).


• Five 45-minute lessons: $250

• Five 60-minute lessons: $330


*If a student does not sign up for summer lessons, they will be placed on my wait list and will be

contacted when/if a spot becomes available for fall semester.


Please note that tuition covers more than just time spent with the teacher. Your monthly tuition



• A reserved weekly lesson spot

• Lesson preparation and planning

• Membership in professional music organizations

• Access to the music library

• Extra-curricular performance opportunities

• Education and experience

• Continued Learning


Registration Fee


An annual registration fee of $60 per student will be required upon enrollment in the Fall Semester.

These funds help provide for:


• Printing costs

• Studio supplies

• Instrument upkeep

• Recital fees

• Music for the music library

• Professional subscriptions

• Practice Incentives


Events and Performance Opportunities


Our studio has an abundance of performance opportunities that are available for all students to participate in, including our biannual studio recitals and other opportunities put on through a variety of music teacher organizations. Extracurricular events provide a wonderful opportunity for students to show their progress, work towards a challenge, and enjoy the benefits of dedicated practice. Student participation in these events is not mandatory but is highly encouraged! Information regarding each of the possible events can be found on the studio website.




Students will need:


• An instrument to practice on (an acoustic piano is strongly encouraged, but a keyboard with 88 weighted keys is also acceptable)

• A metronome (a metronome app is fine)

• Method books (details given at meet and greet)

• Theory/technique packet

• A bag to carry supplies


It is important to supplement lessons with material outside of the method books (i.e. flashcards, sight reading material, classical repertoire, popular music, scale and technique books, and other things that the student is interested in). Please be open to purchasing new music/supplies for your child as needed.





• Please take advantage of the student portal. Once registered for lessons, login directions will be emailed to you. This will allow you to set up a password. To enter your student portal, go to the studio website and look for the student portal on the home page. Enter in your information. This portal allows you to see when your child is scheduled for lessons, track practicing, and read past lesson notes.


• Please make sure that your student keeps their fingernails trimmed. It is extremely difficult to play with correct technique when fingernails have grown past the tip of the finger.


• All students will be required to use hand sanitizer before starting their lesson.


"My daughters couldn't have been more blessed to have Jessica Heidt begin their journey in learning to play piano.  Jessica differentiated their lessons to fit their age, personalities and learning styles. Jessica showed patience and understanding when my youngest daughter struggled with self-confidence in her playing helping her overcome her self-doubt.  Jessica taught them strong piano theory using fun methods that appealed to them. The girls enjoyed and looked forward to their weekly lessons!  Jessie helped them learn how to establish good practice habits and technique developement.  I couldn't believe how much they learned in a year!" - Kelly K.

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